Interviews Archives - Spaghetti Western Daily A celebration of the Spaghetti Western Movie Genre and Spanish Cinema Thu, 27 Apr 2023 19:58:24 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Interviews Archives - Spaghetti Western Daily 32 32 206172765 Video Q&A with Rex Hooper, protagonist with Natalie Pryce. Sun, 12 Mar 2023 13:07:41 +0000 I have a little treat for you this week, not of my own doing of course but a few weeks ago I asked Rex Hooper, resident guitarslinger with Natalie Pryce if he was interested in taking part in the Q&A for the page. Rex got back to me a couple of days later and said […]

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I have a little treat for you this week, not of my own doing of course but a few weeks ago I asked Rex Hooper, resident guitarslinger with Natalie Pryce if he was interested in taking part in the Q&A for the page. Rex got back to me a couple of days later and said he would but wanted to go a step further and record it as a video. Thankfully he didn’t need me to take part so you don’t have to listen me talking and of course that alone makes for far better viewing.

In the film Rex tells us a bit more about the music of Natalie Price and of course about his personal favourite Spaghetti Films, Music and People (including why he’d like to go for a drink with Klaus Kinski and why he wouldn’t like to go for a drink with Klaus Kinski). It’s a good listen and will only take up 20 minutes of your time….Please Enjoy
Q&A with Rex Hooper (Video Link)

For more information on Natalie Pryce and their music hit them up
on their socials and listen in on Youtube and Spotify etc from the following Linktree link.
Natalie Pryce Linktree

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Q&A with Screenwriter & Director Chip Baker Fri, 23 Sep 2022 14:48:23 +0000 After being rather lazy I’ve finally got around to having a quick chat with writer, producer & director Chip Baker. Chip tends to work on stuff I get very excited about (mainly Punk Music Documentaries and Westerns). His work includes: Rolling Stone: Life & Death of Brian Jones, Looking For Johnny, The Rise & Fall of […]

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After being rather lazy I’ve finally got around to having a quick chat with writer, producer & director Chip Baker. Chip tends to work on stuff I get very excited about (mainly Punk Music Documentaries and Westerns). His work includes: Rolling Stone: Life & Death of Brian Jones, Looking For Johnny, The Rise & Fall of the Clash, Sad Vacation and of course the Westerns: 6 Bullets to Hell, The Bounty Killer & most recently The Price of Death.

The Price of Death Poster

Hi Chip and thanks for sparing me a little of your time.
I wonder if you’d like to start by telling us a bit about your latest movie.

The Price of Death is our latest western to be released and it’s taken us 7 years to release it since we started shooting back in late 2015. We carried on shooting in 2016 inserting Dan Van Husen, who asked to end his career in Almeria in a western which is where he started. So that’s his last ever appearance on film. Although we shot a few scenes with him in 2012 that remain unseen and that we intend on using in our next western, so Dan will be in yet one more western next year. 

Then Al Matthews died and we had to look for another black actor to dub him and so we’ve had a catalog of calamities occurring to us while making this film.

But I must tell you it’s my favorite out of the three we’ve managed to produce up until today. It’s a total indie western that looks great and it’s a fun adventure with lots of references to old spaghetti westerns

The film stars Ken Luckey, Crispian Belfrage and Aaron Stielstra and each one dominates an act of the film. First, Luckey as the Bounty Hunter, then Aaron as the criminally insane Dick Dixon and finally Crispian as the escapee which culminates in this classic Mexican stand off high up in the mountains.

The idea was to write about the criminal nature of these old west characters and how their fame grew out of proportions in many cases and also how they would actually care about being famous pretty much like today’s kids on Instagram. We haven’t changed that much. Look at the States, they still have bounty hunters today. That is also why we wrote this, to show that things haven’t changed too much since.

I hadn’t realised there had been so many things to contend with on top of covid, you’ve done a great job and I very much enjoyed my first viewing…

Ok, introductions done, can I go straight in by asking for a few of your favourites? 

Top Spaghetti Movies: 
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Once Upon a Time in The West
For a Few Dollars More
Death Rides a Horse

Favourite Director: 
Sergio Leone

Favourite Actor: 
Steve McQueen

Favourite Actress: 
Nicoletta Machiavelli

Score/Soundtrack Composer: 
Ennio Morricone 

Who and where was the first music gig you attended?
Doctor Feelgood, 1977 PSUC party in Barcelona.

What was the first movie that really grabbed you?

Who or what are your main movie influences?
The Marx Brothers
The Blues Brothers 
Early 007
Steve McQueen
Orson Welles
Roger Corman 
Jess Franco
Sergio Corbucci
Demofilo Fidani

Do you have a film related project that makes you think, damn I wish I’d done that? and if so what is it ?
Probably The Blair Witch Project. I’ve never watched it but those guys did very good for themselves with very little.

You are creating a Super Movie, who’s in it and what are they doing?  
Dunno about a super movie. We’re working on several projects as we usually do and we’re planning on shooting a new film with our troupe which consists on the main actors and actresses we’ve worked with in the last few years plus some new additions. We’re talking to different people, some of them bigger names than the ones we’ve worked with previously, but we’re very happy with our clique of actors. They are hardcore film junkies and they live for it. And they get our philosophy, which is Roger Colman’s basically: let’s make the best we can with what we have, as little as it might be at times.

On that theme if you could collaborate with any one at all dead or living who would you choose? and why?
Sergio Leone or Orson Welles. 
Basically to learn from the best.

It’s quite obvious that you are a movie / music fan but do you ever get starstruck? and if so then by whom?  
Meeting the Ramones when I was 17 was a trip for me. 

Do you have a favourite location or country for making films?  
Almeria, Spain.

We know you for directing, producing & writing but do you have any other interesting interests?
Football. Travelling. Good weed.

Before movies did you have “normal” jobs? and if so what was the worst?
Washing dishes in a pub in Mornington Crescent, London,also moving furniture, etc.

on that note, who or what made you think fuck day jobs…. I’m gonna do this?
I spent some time in Los Angeles in 2006 with some people who were trying to shoot a pilot episode and that really showed me the way.

Who do you think might be a FUN person to go to the pub with?
Iggy Pop.

and of course, who do think might be a total pain in the arse to go to the pub with?
Bill O’Reilly.

What is the stupidest question you have ever been asked? 
Luckily I can’t remember.

Briefly, your thoughts on: 

The Future of the European Western:
Is there any? We’re going to carry on doing our thing purely out of passion regardless of the commercial outcome.

The Punk Scene (these days):
There are some good bands out there but it isn’t much of a scene as far as I know.

UK Politics: 
Brexit was a fuck up, Boris was a bit of a joke… I hope good things will come out of this mess. I always wish the best to my working class British brothers.

Can’t stand it. I don’t get it.

Lastly do you have any new projects in the pipeline that we should be looking out for?
We are planning on shooting a new film in early 2023, although my idea is to shoot two films back to back. One of them is a western. We have several scripts we’ve been writing in the last 10 years that we haven’t been able to produce and they are much better than the three Westerns we’ve made so far.

Oh and….If you do another Western in Spain can I be an extra please?

Check Out Chip Baker Films and maybe check his Youtube Feed

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Q&A with Gunhand director Rey Agaoglu. Sat, 25 Jun 2022 13:50:33 +0000 Gunhand the Movie is an upcoming independent western feature film which started  picking up traction with help from a $20,000 IndieGoGo campaign. This week I’ve got Gunhand the Movie screenwriter & director Rey Agaoglu to answer a few questions and tell us a bit more about Gunhand.  Hi Rey and thanks so much for giving me […]

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Gunhand the Movie is an upcoming independent western feature film which started  picking up traction with help from a $20,000 IndieGoGo campaign. This week I’ve got Gunhand the Movie screenwriter & director Rey Agaoglu to answer a few questions and tell us a bit more about Gunhand. 

Hi Rey and thanks so much for giving me a little of your time.

I have been keeping an eye on your social media accounts and It was great to see you have been location hunting around the Guadix area of Andalucia recently as I have a cave house not far from there.

First off, can I get a few favourites please? 

Top Spaghetti Movies: ‘The Good the Bad and the Ugly’, ‘My name is Nobody’ and ‘Death rides a Horse’.

Favourite Director: Sergio Leone, Clint Eastwood and MANY more (really difficult to choose 1)

Favourite Actor: difficult to choose but; Daniel Day Lewis.

Favourite Actress: also difficult but; Gillian Anderson.

Score/Soundtrack Composer: Ennio Morricone/Carter Burwell

Who and where was the first music gig you attended? 
U2 in Toronto in 1983.

What was the first movie that really grabbed you? 
I saw ‘My name is Nobody’ in the theatre when I was 8 and it was fantastic!

Who or what are your main movie influences? 
Many influences but to name a few; Sergio Leone, Japanese filmmakers like Kobayashi and Kurosawa, Terence Malick and Clint Eastwood’s films (he is an economical filmmaker). 

Do you have a film related project that makes you thing, damn I wish I’d done that? if so what is it ?
Yes! ‘The Revenant’ directed by Alejandro Iñárritu.

You are creating a Super Movie, who’s in it and what are they doing? 
I would make a Western or a Medieval film with Daniel Day Lewis, Willem Dafoe, Gary Oldman and Woody Harrelson. The story would be about Gunfighters or Knights coming out of retirement for a final mission…using their age and experience to overcome great odds.

On that theme if you could collaborate with any one at all dead or living who would you choose? and why? 
It would be fantastic to collaborate with cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki. There is something very special about his camerawork that is difficult to describe in words. 

It’s quite obvious that you are a movie / music fan but do you ever get starstruck? and if so then by whom?  
I would be Starstruck if I met Clint…even at this age. 

Do you have a favourite location or country for making films?  
Of course Spain! It has nearly every type of environment. 

So we know you for directing & writing but do you have any other interesting interests? 
I draw a lot and play the guitar (electric;) 

Before movies did you have “normal” jobs? and if so what
was the worst?

I have had many different jobs. The worst job I had was working in a leather Factory (very stinky). In my humble opinion, it’s important for a Director/Writer to truly understand different characters and the worlds they inhabit, having done many different jobs definitely helps with that process. 

on that note, who or what made you think:
fuck day jobs…. I’m gonna do this?
Well I still have a day job working on commercial video projects for various businesses…it helps pay the bills. 

Who do think might be a total pain in the arse to go to the pub with?
My Dad…haha. 

What is the stupidest question you have ever been asked? 
When I lived in Toronto, Canada someone from the U.S. asked me in the month of July where the nearest Ski hill was. 

Do you have Pets? A Cat named Jimmy. 

Briefly, your thoughts on: 

The Future of the European Western:
Westerns (as a genre in general) seem to be making a comeback. I hope that European filmmakers will continue to make new Westerns because their interpretation of the “West” (the perspective and design) will always be different from the American Perspective…not necessarily better, but unique and therefore interesting. 

American Westerns vs European Westerns:

I tend to prefer Westerns that have been made by European Directors where the mythology of the West is scrutinized a bit more. Although Clint Eastwood is an American Director his first major Movie Acting experience was in Europe with Sergio Leone. This definitely had a big influence on him as a director along with Don Siegel who was an ‘economical’ low budget filmmaker. Clint’s Westerns are an interesting Mix of the two and I like them very much. 

Marmite: No thank you, I will pass it forward. 

Lastly how is the best way for people to keep up to date with Gunhand and maybe even get involved? 
The project has slowed down some because we are busy getting an ‘A-List’ actor attached. This is important to help sell the movie. Alas, without some guarantee of sales investors stay away  In the meantime people can check out our Instagram account to follow the pre-production and planning process and they can always send an email to [email protected] for any questions or help with financing which is the most important thing right now. 

Thanks for your Time and Good Luck with the Movie, I personally can’t wait to see it.
Thank you for your interest in our project and keeping the Spaghetti Western alive and well !!!! 

Keep up to speed with Gunhand the Movie as it progresses via the following links:
Gunhand Official Website
Gunhand Facebook Page
Gunhand Instagram

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Q&A with English Director Alex Cox Sat, 28 May 2022 19:57:12 +0000 Part of my plan for this page was to have run some interviews with some of the People of Spaghetti, needless to say, I feel like I’ve probably set the bar a little high right from the outset. I give you Screenwriter, Actor, Author and of course Director Alex Cox who’s works include: Sid & […]

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Part of my plan for this page was to have run some interviews with some of the People of Spaghetti, needless to say, I feel like I’ve probably set the bar a little high right from the outset.

I give you Screenwriter, Actor, Author and of course Director Alex Cox who’s works include: Sid & Nancy, Repo Man, Three Businessmen and of course Straight to Hell…….

First off, can I get a few favourites please? 
I assume you’re referring to Italian Westerns…
For A Few Dollars More, Django Kill, Requiescant, Il Grande     Silenzio, Quien Sabe?, Once Upon a Time in The West, $1,000 on the Black, The Big Gundown

Favourite Director: Sergio Leone

Favourite Actor: Gian Maria Volonte

Favourite Actress: in an Italian Western?

Score/Soundtrack Composer: For A Few Dollars More: Ennio Morricone

Who and where was the first Music Gig you attended?
Cockney Rebel at a boxing stadium in Liverpool.

What was the first movie that really grabbed you?
King Kong.

Who or what are your main movie influences?
That’s not for me to say. I like Kurosawa and Buñuel a lot, and many other directors. 

Do you have a Film related Project that makes you thing, damn I wish I’d done that? and if so what is it ?
Bud Shrake’s script, Ambrose Bierce meets Pancho Villa.

Extra points available here for outdoing what you already achieved with Straight to Hell…..You’re creating a Super Movie Cast, who’s in it and what are they doing?  
Same cast as Straight to Hell, doing what they did best then.

On that theme if you could collaborate with any one at all dead or living who would you choose? and why?
Gian Maria Volonte, Klaus Kinski, Gianni Garko, Rose McGowan, Victor Mature, Lee Van Cleef, Jack Elam, Paul Robeson, Claudia Cardinale, Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, Charles Laughton, Warren Oates, Katy Jurado, Pedro Armendariz Sr, Ralph Richardson, Jimmy Cliff, Stephane Audran, and Jeanne Moreau. Because they all were/are great actors.

I visited the set of Straight to Hell a couple of years ago and even with absolutely nothing to do the sun was relentless and all we had was a bottle of white wine to keep us company (not advised). But as a huge Clash, Pogues, Costello, Tudorpole, and of course Kathy Burke fan. I’m really interested to know how hard it was to get everyone doing what they were supposed to in what I imagine was about 40 degree heat with I’m guessing a steady stream of Mahou combined with the added celebrity of Dennis Hopper, Grace Jones & Courtney Love. 
It was 110 degrees fahrenheit, 43 degrees celsius, in the shade. There were so many good actors – you mention Kathy Burke, for one – that even those who weren’t actors got inspired and did better. Also, of course, the desert, the costumes, and the mysterious attraction of the place all helped. The Spanish caterer was extremely fine, serving red wine with lunch and a carajillo before returning to the set. Courtney wasn’t yet a celebrity. Dennis, Grace and Joe were. But they all acted very graciously and quickly became part of our dust-encrusted reality.

Joe Strummer, Sy Richardson & Dick Rude (Straight to Hell 1987)

It’s quite obvious that you are a movie / music fan but do you ever get starstruck? and if so then by whom?  
I was amazed to be able to screen Repo Man to Iggy Pop, and that he would write us a song… Even more astonished to be working with someone from the Clash (the only band that ever mattered) and the director of Easy Rider. How could I have been so fortunate? And how nice they were.

Having worked all over the place and occasionally spanning several countries in one hit (Three Businessmen 1998) do you have a favourite location or country for making films?  
Anywhere in Mexico, and the Tabernas Desert in Almería.

We know you for directing, acting & writing but do you have any other interesting interests?
Dogs, gardening, my wife, camping in the desert.

Before movies did you have “normal” jobs? and if so what was the worst?  
I had a couple of summer jobs in an oil refinery which paid for my living expenses while at film school. I haven’t had much else in the way of “normal” jobs. Did lots of interesting things and usually didn’t get paid for them.

On that note, who or what made you think
fuck day jobs…. I’m gonna do this’? 
I was very lucky because I grew up in the 1970s and was able to go to three universities essentially for free. In those days the costs were minimal, and the environment was less stressed and business-focused, so you could actually take the time to make mistakes, course correct, and figure out what you were good at and what you wanted to do. 

Sara Sugarman, Alex Cox & Courtney Love (behind the scenes Straight to Hell 1987)

Who do you think might be a FUN person to go to the pub with?
Edward Tudor Pole.

and of course, who do think might be a total pain in the arse to go to the pub with?
Why would I bother myself with that question? 

What is the stupidest question you have ever been asked? 
Would you like to donate some money to the Labour Party/the Democrats/the war effort against Russia?

Briefly, your thoughts on: 

The Future of the European Western:

The Punk Scene (these days):

Tudor Pole and the Circle Jerks are still touring, so I assume the spirit still exists.

Brexit & UK Politics:  
United Ireland just around the corner.

It’s been a while.

Lastly do you have any new projects in the pipeline (particularly secret ones) that we should be looking out for? 
Just my last movie…

Alex, Thank you for your time, much appreciated, Cheers Iccy

Keep up to speed on what Alex gets up to on his personal blog page [HERE]

The post Q&A with English Director Alex Cox appeared first on Spaghetti Western Daily.
