Hello, nice to see you’ve happened upon Spaghetti Western Daily.
Here’s a little bit of a back story.
A few years ago I developed an interest in Spaghetti Western Movies and in particular ones filmed in Spain. Having since met many likeminded people and we regularly share photos, locations, bits of video and snippets of information.

I started the Spaghetti Western Daily instagram profile in 2021 and it has had a great reception. A few weeks ago I thought I’d start a proper site where I can share more information, news, articles, reviews & interviews etc.

Expect to see stuff about the movies, stuff about the people, stuff about the music and stuff about Spanish Cinema in general. Obviously it’s early days but I’m fully intending to be regularly updating and adding stuff so please check back from time to time.

Thanks for dropping by….

Spaghetti Western Daily on Social Media

By Iccy